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Medicolegal Reporting Services, Melbourne Medicolegal

Reporting Services

Unbiased medicolegal assessments and reporting to help clarify and resolve WorkSafe and TAC claims, legal matters, and superannuation issues.

Written Opinions

Prompt, accurate, impartial written reports reflecting current clinical practice.


Applicable in cases where your client doesn't need a face-to-face or Telehealth appointment. We offer both options depending on the nature of the assessment.

Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs)

IMEs provide a diagnosis and a prognosis. They also cover causes of the injury or condition, functional limitations, and the impact on your client.


We have extensive experience and expertise in managing musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, specifically in the spine, upper limbs, lower limbs, and pelvis.

Joint medical examinations

Your firm and TAC receive an identical report. A timely, efficient solution.

Supplementary reports

To take account of new information and answer additional questions for clients and medical examiners.

Express reporting in emergencies

Rapid, accurate reports within three to five working days of receiving your documents.


Request an urgent report >

Medical negligence claims

Independent reporting for these complex cases. Costs and timeframes are clearly stated in advance.

Request an initial verbal evaluation

Make an informed decision about the need for a written report.


Request an assessment >

Hear from Melbourne Medicolegal

We’re not in the business of blitzing your inbox.


But if you'd like quarterly updates and insights into current medicolegal practice and processes, that we can do.

Do you want quarterly updates and insights into current medicolegal practice and processes?
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