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Melbourne Medicolegal Frequently Asked Questions
Below you’ll find answers to the most common questions you may have about our services
What is an IME?
An IME is also known as an ‘Expert Witness’. They are bound by the Expert Witness Codes of Conduct and they are answerable to the Court. The IME is not employed by the person being assessed, the insurance company or any legal representative. Unlike a general medical appointment, the IME will have a specific set of questions they are required to ask you legally and cannot answer any of your medical or legal questions.
The purpose of an IME is to assess your injury and provide an independent expert opinion to assist with decisions about your rehabilitation, return to work and entitlements to compensation.
Mr Ash Moaveni
Who is assessing me?
This will be performed by a specialist doctor who has undergone extensive medicolegal based training and accreditations to provide their medical opinion relevant to your injury. Our IME’s at Melbourne Medicolegal also have a clinical practice, meaning they continue to practice as private surgeons and doctors. This ensures that their opinions are formed based on the most current and best practices in the medical industry.
Who has referred me and why?
Your insurer, employer or legal representative may have referred you to be assessed by us so that a comprehensive report can be obtained to understand your injury and to ensure that you receive your entitlements.
How am I being assessed?
The assessment will be based on an interview, examination and information provided by the insurance company or legal representative. The IME will check the accuracy of the content and ask additional questions.
What should I bring with me?
Any relevant paperwork including:
Certificates of Capacity
Letters from you treating doctor(s) and/or specialist
Imaging studies (including films, digital media containing imaging and all radiology reports)
Medication list - please ensure this is accurate and up to date.
Any relevant digital photos or footage taken at the time of the accident (including site of the accident or any CCTV/dashcam footage of the accident if available)
Please note this information may have already been provided by your insurance company or legal representative.
What will the IME assess today?
An IME will assess within their area of expertise. This appointment will assess injuries relating to your musculoskeletal system. This may include:
Spinal injuries
Injuries to your arms (i.e. shoulders, elbows, wrists and hand)
Injuries to your legs (i.e. pelvis, hip, knee as well as foot and ankle).
A scar assessment, including photographs of your scar(s), if required.
You will also be asked about past medical history. It is very important to differentiate between old and new injuries. If you do have non-musculoskeletal injuries (for example, psychological injuries), please discuss this with your insurance company or legal representative.
How do I respond to the questions?
Answering the questions truthfully and honestly is most important. You do not need to underplay nor exaggerate your condition or symptoms. Our specialists understand that you have good days and bad days - what an IME is looking for is ‘an average’ or what is representative of your typical day or week. Specific examples of activities that are difficult to perform are also useful as are any examples of any noticeable changes in your activity levels, capacity or your ability to undertake your usual daily tasks. Please answer the questions accurately, and concisely, and ensure they are in response to the questions asked.
What happens next?
All communication and IME information will go through your insurance company or legal representative.
If you forgot to mention something during the assessment please inform your legal representative or insurance company within 24 hours so they can forward the information on to us.
Will I have to pay anything on the day of the appointment?
You will not be required to make any payment on the day as such payment will be made by your insurance company or legal representative once they have been invoiced post appointment.
What if I am running late or have to cancel my appointment?
If you are running late, please call our office on (03) 8580 2445 as soon as possible.
If you need to cancel, please contact your insurance company or legal representative to let them know as soon as possible.
If you are unable to attend the scheduled appointment, please note that non-attendance and late cancellation fees apply (unless there is a legitimate reason).
Cancellations within 5 business days of the scheduled appointment or non-attendance will incur a cost of $715.00 + GST.
Where can I park?
East Melbourne - 1 and 2 hour parking is available close to the office. View parking map.
Bundoora - 2 hour street parking is available close to the office.
Can't find what you're looking for?
Feel free email or give us a call on 03 8580 2445
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